DiscoverAre You There, Midlife? It’s Me, Monica. | Balance Hormones Naturally in Perimenopause, Menopause for Women Over 4042 | Are Your Body Aches, Joint Pain, or Arthritis a Sign of Hormone Imbalance? 4 Causes That Have Nothing To Do With Aging [Perimenopause: From A-Z]
42 | Are Your Body Aches, Joint Pain, or Arthritis a Sign of Hormone Imbalance? 4 Causes That Have Nothing To Do With Aging [Perimenopause: From A-Z]

42 | Are Your Body Aches, Joint Pain, or Arthritis a Sign of Hormone Imbalance? 4 Causes That Have Nothing To Do With Aging [Perimenopause: From A-Z]

Update: 2024-10-08


Hey friend,


Are you dealing with body aches and joint pain that don’t go away, no matter what you do?


Has your chronic pain and inflammation started to impact your mood, your relationships, or even your everyday activities? (Meanwhile, your doctor insists your symptoms are just “part of the aging process"?)


If you’ve been popping Advil lately like their M&M’s just to get through the day, you are not alone! 


According to the latest research, nearly 100 million Americans between the ages of 20 and 64 suffer from chronic pain. And, up to 70% of all chronic pain sufferers are women. (🙋🏼‍♀️No surprise there!)


The problem is that while the majority of people dealing with chronic pain are women, eighty percent of all pain studies are conducted on male mice or humans–which means underlying root causes, like female hormones, are rarely considered when identifying effective solutions.


Join me for today’s episode as we unpack:


  • The four contributing hormonal causes of joint pain, body aches, and inflammation


  • How perimenopause and menopause can accelerate inflammation in a woman’s body


  • Traditional medicine’s approach vs functional nutrition’s approach to reducing and even eliminating inflammation and related symptoms


Plus, I’ll share the exact 3-step protocol I take my clients through to nourish, detoxify, and optimize their gut and hormones and ease pain naturally.

If you’re 1 in 5 of all women suffering from chronic pain, this episode is for you!


Next Steps:


Take my FREE Hormone Quiz:


Book a FREE Hormone Clarity Call:


EP 8 | Do Hormone Balancing Supplements Work?:


EP 14 | Is Estrogen Dominance Causing Your Hormonal Weight Gain? 3 Quick Tips To Move The Scale:


EP 15 | Hypothyroidism And Weight Gain: 3 Healthy Hacks To Help Shed Those Extra Pounds:


EP 17 | The Hidden Cause of Hormonal Weight Gain in Women Over 40: Adrenal Fatigue:


EP 20 | Menopause, Sleeping Problems, and Post Menopausal Weight Gain: Is Low Estrogen to Blame?:


EP 36 | Hormone Hot Topics: Got Menopause? Take A Cold Plunge!; The 30-Minute-A-Day Habit That Can Increase Your Life Expectancy; PLUS Actress Jenny Garth Blames Her Arthritis on Perimenopause:


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*Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The information is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are advised to do your own research and speak to your medical provider for care.

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42 | Are Your Body Aches, Joint Pain, or Arthritis a Sign of Hormone Imbalance? 4 Causes That Have Nothing To Do With Aging [Perimenopause: From A-Z]

42 | Are Your Body Aches, Joint Pain, or Arthritis a Sign of Hormone Imbalance? 4 Causes That Have Nothing To Do With Aging [Perimenopause: From A-Z]

Monica Topete | Holistic Health Coach | Perimenopause Educator | Hormone Imbalance Survivor